Standards of Practice

The Texas Residential Construction Commission in 2007 was granted powers by the Texas State Legislature to oversee residential builders in the counties of Texas to protect the interests of home buyers from faulty construction by builders.  But the TRCC was phased out almost as quickly as its formation in 2009 leaving buyers with no recourse if they had problems with their homes after purchase and move-in.  This especially affected home owners in county areas where municipal jurisdiction regarding code compliance is non-existent.

At the county level Bexar, Hays, Travis and Williamson leave it up to the builder to act in good faith and have their own inspections done at the three typical phases; pre-pour foundation; pre-drywall and final. The reports are required (at least in Travis and Hays) to be submitted to the county office at the completion of the home.  Non-compliance in Hays county is a Class C Misdemeanor.  Hopefully the builder will have those inspections performed and make the necessary corrections if needed.  Rural county settings in areas of Comal, Guadalupe, Kendall, Caldwell etc. there is no such oversight at all.  Most cities and towns have their own code departments and field inspectors, but you'd be surprised what I've uncovered on some inspections in those areas.  So as you can see, a third party inspection can provide you with some peace of mind not only in county areas, but cities as well.

If you have doubts about some of the things you see your builder doing or not doing, call me. I will perform an independent and comprehensive inspection of your investment to help give you peace of mind.

Contact Joe today!